Herunterladen What I Love About You By Rachel Gibson Pdf Ebook

Herunterladen What I Love About You By Rachel Gibson Pdf Ebook

Genre : Zeitgenössisch ,Bücher ,Liebesromane ,Romantische Komödien ,Belletristik und Literatur

New York Times bestselling author Rachel Gibson, returns to fan favorite Truly, Idaho for another tale of what happens when a tough guy meets his match in the most unexpected place . . . 

Cheerleader’s life goes dreadfully wrong! Give me a B-R-E-A-K!

Natalie Cooper had it all—as a high school cheerleader she could shake her pom-poms with the best of them. But she paid for all that popularity—her husband ran off with a 20 year old bimbo named Tiffany. Now she’s running a photo shop (and some of the pictures she sees . . . well, she really shouldn’t!) and just trying to be a good mom.

Then she comes toe-to-manly chest of Blake Junger. “Exiled” to a remote cabin in Truly, Idaho, Blake wants nothing to do with anyone. Instead, he’s determined to struggle with his demons and win . . . all on his own. But he doesn’t count on a pint-sized five-year-old visitor . . . or the Natalie Cooper, the kid’s lusciously curved mother . . . to break down his barriers.



What I Know About You

I liked the plot line and the characters. I just wish it had not ended so abruptly. Needed an Epilogue.


What I Love About You

You can always be sure you will enjoy a book that Rachel Gibson writes. Humor, great characters, and a happy ending, not to mention the hot sex scenes.


Needing more

The story ended to abruptly, felt like it needed more. Love all her books and this one until the ending.


Loved it!

The only bad thing I can say about this book is that it ended. I want more!!! I've read almost all her books and this one was just as amazing!!

Dailey fan

What I Love About You

I hated that this book had to end. I absolutely love all her books. They make me laugh, smile, and get involved with her characters.

Herunterladen What I Love About You By Rachel Gibson Pdf Ebook

Genre : Zeitgenössisch ,Bücher ,Liebesromane ,Romantische Komödien ,Belletristik und Literatur

New York Times bestselling author Rachel Gibson, returns to fan favorite Truly, Idaho for another tale of what happens when a tough guy meets his match in the most unexpected place . . . 

Cheerleader’s life goes dreadfully wrong! Give me a B-R-E-A-K!

Natalie Cooper had it all—as a high school cheerleader she could shake her pom-poms with the best of them. But she paid for all that popularity—her husband ran off with a 20 year old bimbo named Tiffany. Now she’s running a photo shop (and some of the pictures she sees . . . well, she really shouldn’t!) and just trying to be a good mom.

Then she comes toe-to-manly chest of Blake Junger. “Exiled” to a remote cabin in Truly, Idaho, Blake wants nothing to do with anyone. Instead, he’s determined to struggle with his demons and win . . . all on his own. But he doesn’t count on a pint-sized five-year-old visitor . . . or the Natalie Cooper, the kid’s lusciously curved mother . . . to break down his barriers.



What I Know About You

I liked the plot line and the characters. I just wish it had not ended so abruptly. Needed an Epilogue.


What I Love About You

You can always be sure you will enjoy a book that Rachel Gibson writes. Humor, great characters, and a happy ending, not to mention the hot sex scenes.


Needing more

The story ended to abruptly, felt like it needed more. Love all her books and this one until the ending.


Loved it!

The only bad thing I can say about this book is that it ended. I want more!!! I've read almost all her books and this one was just as amazing!!

Dailey fan

What I Love About You

I hated that this book had to end. I absolutely love all her books. They make me laugh, smile, and get involved with her characters.


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